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870 3rd St. S, St. Petersburg, FL 33770

Posts by brandparvindarsaini

Covid-19 and the Tampa Bay Area

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I hope you are staying healthy during these difficult and strange times. I just want to update you on what has been going on here in the Tampa Bay area. Much like yourselves in the UK we have been under a general ‘stay at home’ order. As I write we are being told that order…

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Think This is A Housing Crisis? Think Again

Housing Crisis Bg

With all of the unanswered questions caused by COVID-19 and the economic slowdown we’re experiencing across the country today, many are asking if the housing market is in trouble. For those who remember 2008, it’s logical to ask that question. Many of us experienced financial hardships, lost homes, and were out of work during the…

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Are We About to See a New Wave of Foreclosures?

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With all of the havoc being caused by COVID-19, many are concerned we may see a new wave of foreclosures. Restaurants, airlines, hotels, and many other industries are furloughing workers or dramatically cutting their hours. Without a job, many homeowners are wondering how they’ll be able to afford their mortgage payments. In spite of this,…

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What you should know before leaving your property vacant.

leaving your property vacant

If you are leaving your property vacant for any length of time, especially over the summer months during the brutal Florida heat. The state’s near-tropical summer climate makes humidity control, flood protection and mold and mildew prevention three areas of concern you should think about. If you are a part-time Floridian, here are some important…

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Owning a condominium (condo) in Florida and what you should know

Owning a condominium (condo) in Florida

What is a Condominium? A condominium or condo refers to a building or residential complex where the units are owned by individuals and the common areas such as hallways, grounds, pool, recreation areas, gym and building itself are jointly owned and maintained by the condominium association (collective of all the unit owners). This is commonly…

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